The Difference Between m7b5 And Half-Diminished 7 Chords

Aah, this is not going to go down easy, is it?

Here's what's happening.

Suppose you have two chords. And that these two chords have the exact same notes.

Also suppose that everyone tells you that these chords - since they have the same notes - are exactly the same.

And keep supposing (it's a long supposition...) that they also tell you that the reason why there are two names is that there are two groups (Classical musicians and Jazz musicians) that call this chords in two different ways.

And you go your merry way, for years and years, believing all that, and never finding any evidence of the contrary.

Until... one day you discover that this was all a load of tarp.

By that time you have several videos on your YouTube channel (we are still supposing) that treat these two chords as one.

What do you do?

You keep pretending the two chords are the same, in the name of consistency and to not rock the boat?

Or you make a video explaining the mistake - even if you were wrong in the first place - and why the two chords are different, and why there is a very good reason these two chords are different...

Well, I think you've guessed my choice. Here's me sticking my neck out:

Now that you've seen an exquisitely theoretical debate... let's go back to the practical side of things, shall we?

In this other video I show you how to use that 'sonority' (however you want to call these two chords) in your chord progressions.

Have fun!

Tommaso Zillio is a professional prog rock/metal guitarist and composer based in Edmonton, AB, Canada.

Tommaso is currently working on an instrumental CD, and an instructional series on fretboard visualization and exotic scales. He is your go-to guy for any and all music theory-related questions.

Tommaso Zillio