Hi and welcome for the second time. I would like to introduce to you how to combine
the arpeggio technique with other techniques such as tapping, alternate picking, legato, string skipping, etc. I really use these figures in my style because I like the effect that they create together.
1. A major
2. A minor
These are some simple examples just to develop this technique, and when you are at ease with it you can start to create new and longer sequences like these
3. A major
You can also try to combine arpeggios with tapping and alternate picking.
4. B minor
This is an example with arpeggios, legato, and alternate picking.
5. D minor
This one shows the possibilities when combining arpeggios with string skipping.
6. B minor
This last example is a concentration of "arpeggio combinations" with the
other techniques that I'm more at ease with. I've written these exercises just to
show how many possibilties there are to combine the techniques and to create
something new. Now you can start to create new licks and phrases, and start
to imagine new directions for your guitar playing. I hope that instrumental music will be more appreciated and in the future it provides a lot of emotion! Hoping that this lesson with be interesting, I want to thank everyone who contacted me - thanks for your support! For more information check out my
official web site.
7. B minor
Francesco Fareri is an Italian guitarist who was profiled on the December, 1999 Undiscovered Artists page on the Guitar Nine site.
His latest instrumental CD is entitled "Secrets Within".