The Undiscovered: Mark Yodice

Mark Yodice


Steel String Acoustic Originals

Armed with the goal of transcending the harmony and technique of the guitar and creating a musical story or moment, New York area fingerstylist Mark Yodice has completed a nine song CD entitled June Again. Totally instrumental, and consisting of just Yodice and his steel string acoustic, the tunes reflect the hard work and inspiration of a more-than-proficient guitarist. With a wide range of musical influences such as Badi Assad, Charlie Hunter, Miles Davis, Zap Mama, Ella Fitzgerald, and, of course, Michael Hedges, Yodice strives to offer far-reaching and challenging music that offers a personal meaning to each listener. No background music found here - Yodice's music requires careful listening in order to fully appreciate its unflinching conviction - for the serious acoustic fan only.


Mark was fascinated by the guitar as little boy, but did not take up the guitar until high school. Beginning on electric guitar, and attending a well known music school in California did not help him achieve the artistic results he was looking for, and he gradually took up studying fingerstyle. Mark took lessons from a Michael Hedges devotee, John Stropes, and began performing. He started composing original material in 1998, and now devotes himself to composing and playing steel string guitar.

Yodice has since pressed his new recording and copies are available. The production company he has signed with will begin shopping it to larger labels, television and film He is currently in the process of constructing a web site and booking performances in the New York and New England areas.

Contact Information

Mark Yodice c/o
United States