Danny Jones is back with licks that will help you break the scale pattern syndrome.
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Danny Jones is back with licks that will help you break the scale pattern syndrome.
UK guitarist Alan Williamson shows you how to use more fingers, tones and frets in your licks.
Can you deliver interesting and musical solos? Do it by looking for ways to add more variety.
Mike Campese serves up a blended scale you can use to set your music apart from the ordinary.
One of the best ways to memorize your scales on the neck and help you break out of the patterns you have been stuck in.
Danny Jones is back, taking wide interval links and making cool runs out of 'em.
More ideas to help you memorize your scales break out of the patterns and ruts you have been stuck in.
These ideas will really add some spice to your playing.
Using simple guitar overdubs to great effect.
Terry Syrek will slap you silly if you even attempt a wank tap.
Mike`s ideas will help you move up the neck very quickly.
Use the entire neck of your axe with these three octave ideas.
You can make your own scales with these tips from Mike Campese.
Applying the melodic minor scale to rock music with Mike Campese.
Learning ways to substitute notes using octaves with your instructor, Mike Campese.
Ysrafel`s got tips on transferring tapping ability from one string to the next.
Paul Tauterouff expends even more on the flash lick concept in Part 3 of the series.
Here`s some new ideas for looping string skipping ideas, with your instructor, Mike Campese.
Here`s a master class on the distinct sound of the harmonic minor scale, with your instructor, Mike Campese.
Mike`s got a great way to learn your arpeggios and triads all over the neck.
Using odd time signatures, open tuning and hybrid picking to keep things interesting.
Mike Campese takes you through this short, but excellent, Niccolo Paganini piece.
Mike Campese takes you through another section of this excellent Niccolo Paganini piece.
Mike Campese helps you to increase your speed and technical facility.
Mike Campese gives you exercises and tios on how to pedal your way to musical nirvana.
Mike Campese introduces you to techniques from his 2010 CD.
Mike Campese is back with more ideas he used on his "Electric City" CD.
Mike Campese returns to revisit more ideas for the Phrygian Dominant scale.
Mike Campese serves up a holiday treat - his take on the Grinch`s theme song.
Nick has new ideas for making your own licks come alive.
Just when you thought all arpeggio topics had been covered, Mike`s back with triad arpeggio practice ideas.
Mike is focusing on the Japanese Hirajoshi scale in this lesson on exotic scales.
Mike is back to take your scales up to a whole new level.
You`ve grouped in fives; now add two, and we`ll group in sevens.
Scott Allen focuses on licks that grab attention of the listener.
If you are familiar with pentatonic scales, this may be a great way to get into modal playing.
Scott Allen focuses once again on licks that grab attention of the listener.
Here is the main guitar line from Campese`s version of this holiday classic, as featured on his Christmas album.
Mike gets a little more detailed here, building on his previous sweeping columns.
Building on the last column, Mike adds more examples here, building on his previous sweeping columns.
Building on the last two columns, Mike wraps up the series with a G minor arpeggio progression.
Mike Campese introduces you to a cool scale sequence that is not commonly used.