Guitar Nine Columns: Songwriting Composition Theory

Displaying 1 - 42 of 97

Enjoy over 25 years of staff columns, guest columns, interviews and more!

Tommaso Zillio

Are there progressions impossible to play without using parallel 5ths?

Tommaso Zillio

Rachmaninoff composed one of his best melodies by lifting a theme from Paganini.

Tommaso Zillio

Many things to be learned from Stevie's prodigious songwriting abilities.

Tommaso Zillio

The basics: notes, scales, and chords and how they work together.

Tommaso Zillio

How the key change works, and how we can do the same in our songs.

December-January 2020
Tommaso Zillio

We're positive you should be exposed to negative harmony.

December-January 2019
Vlad De Briansky

Learn the essence of blues, in the key of G.

October-November 2019
Tommaso Zillio

Answering yes to this question may be a little deceiving.

August-September 2019
Simon Dupree

Some rare studio gems which can be found for under $500.

June-July 2019
Tommaso Zillio

If you know scales and chords, then you are ready to start learning music theory.

June-July 2019
Just Rijna

How ear training helps you develop skills that are at the core of your musicianship.

June-July 2019
Tommaso Zillio

Is it possible to get by as a musician without learning to read music?

April-May 2019
Tommaso Zillio

Think outside the box when it feels like you've already played everything of which you feel capable.

April-May 2019
Tommaso Zillio

This article is a great place to start if you are ready to learn music theory in a more useful and effective way.

February-March 2019
Vlad De Briansky

Remember: your unique intuition is the most important asset you possess.

February-March 2019
Tommaso Zillio

Which instrument should you be using, and is it possible to get away with not using one at all?

December-January 2018
Tommaso Zillio

Tips on how to continue your understanding of music theory with the right foot forward.

October-November 2018
Tommaso Zillio

It's a misconception that inspiration is something that just appears out of thin air.

October-November 2018
Tommaso Zillio

Get memorable - immerse yourself into the world of repetition.

August-September 2018
Tommaso Zillio

Write an inspirational song that people actually want to listen to by incorporating different keys.

August-September 2018
Tommaso Zillio

If your songs are pleasant to listen to, but not the most captivating, check out these tips.

August-September 2018
Tommaso Zillio

Write an inspirational song that people actually want to listen to by incorporating different keys.

April-May 2018
Tommaso Zillio

a simple and fun trick that many professionals often use in their songs.

April-May 2018
Just Rijna

Exploding the myths surrounding talent, inspiration and writer's block.

February-March 2018
Tommaso Zillio

Tips on how to ready yourself for your next burst of songwriting inspiration.

December-January 2017
Tommaso Zillio

There's a chance you have too many unfinished songs sitting on your computer, or maybe even on your bookshelf - let's finish them.

December-January 2017
James Rosocha

Melodies are what stick in the listeners mind and convey passion and emotion: creating coherence in your solos.

August-September 1996
Arnold Schulman

Arnold Schulman discusses lyric writing for the beginner.

August-September 1996
Guitar Haus

How to use the song structure method to jump-start compositions.

October-November 1998
Gerry Magee

Gerry Magee begins his multi-part series on expanding your mind, as well as your fretboard, with the benefits of thinking like a composer.

October-November 1999
Will Landrum

G9er Will Landrum is here to help when you seem to be fresh out of ideas.

August-September 2001
Sergio Zurawski

Brazilian guitarist teaches by example in his first Guitar Nine column.

October-November 2001
Francesco Fareri

An in-depth look at Fareri`s neo-classical shred debut from the guitarist himself.

October-November 2001

Composition angles from the man known as Beurks.

December-January 2003
Randy Ellefson

How do you write something fast, expressive and musical? Randy Ellefson is here with some tips.
