Tommaso Zillio

Displaying 25 - 36 of 127
Tommaso Zillio

Write dissonant but delightful music using the Neapolitan minor scale or chord.

Tommaso Zillio

A method to move freely around the fretboard.

Tommaso Zillio

Start incorporating bends more fluidly into your playing.

Tommaso Zillio

An exercise that you can use to build a powerful picking hand.

Tommaso Zillio

Don't neglect your hands. Tips for hand health.

Tommaso Zillio

All it takes is knowing the correct exercises to get your hands working properly.

Tommaso Zillio

Adding first inversion chords gives you 7 new sounds to work with.

Tommaso Zillio

Appreciating how different this music sounds from typical guitar music.

Tommaso Zillio

Here are three ways to advance and progress in the area of finger independence.

Tommaso Zillio

Is it something that is necessary for your specific musical path - or not?


Tommaso Zillio is a professional prog rock/metal guitarist and composer based in Edmonton, AB, Canada.

Tommaso is currently working on an instrumental CD, and an instructional series on fretboard visualization and exotic scales. He is your go-to guy for any and all music theory-related questions.

Tommaso Zillio