Music industry guru Christopher Knab is back to help you deal with the most striking and effective part of your promotional package.
Music industry guru Christopher Knab is back to help you deal with the most striking and effective part of your promotional package.
Bill Peck did it, why can`t you? Well, you can.
Lots of musicians these days are pondering this issue. Indie marketing guru Tim Sweeney is back with the skinny.
Bill Peck`s got a great idea to make a big impression.
The digital rights controversy and how it can affect guitarists like us.
Indie marketing guru Tim Sweeney is back with more practical ideas that work.
Music industry guru Christopher Knab is back discussing the relationship between these business entities.
Indie marketing guru Tim Sweeney defines Soundscan and its relevance to indie artists.
Music industry guru Christopher Knab is back talkin` barcodes.
Indie marketing guru Tim Sweeney discusses the hidden secrets of how major labels evaluate the artists they are considering signing to their rosters.
Music industry guru Christopher Knab is back with the skinny on getting noticed.
Indie marketing guru Tim Sweeney opens up the mailbag to answer a question about `street marketing`.