Guest Columnists

Displaying 361 - 372 of 1236
June-July 2002
Tim Sweeney

Indie marketing guru Tim Sweeney on getting the most from your hometown fans.

June-July 2002
Christopher Knab

Music industry guru Christopher Knab teaches you what it takes to compete for radio play.

June-July 2002
David Martone

Why your drum machine may be a demo-only tool, by Canadian guitarist David Martone.

June-July 2002
Miguel Mega

Even more ways to spice up our old pal: the Dorian mode.

August-September 2002
Bill Peck

The ins and outs of DVD authoring - it may be easier than you think.

August-September 2002
Greg Rapaport

Greg Rapaport talks about developing some serious synergy between the picking and fretting hands.

August-September 2002
Shelby Williford

It`s not Frankenstein or Dracula, simply more Greasy Fingers.

August-September 2002
Jamie Andreas

Virtuoso classical guitarist and instructor Jamie Andreas talks about the sticky topic that will energize your practice sessions.

August-September 2002
Tim Sweeney

Indie marketing guru Tim Sweeney on why perception may not always be reality.

August-September 2002
Paul Abbott

Ace mastering engineer and guitarist Paul Abbott helps you avoid a muddy, undefined low to low-mid sound.

August-September 2002
Christopher Knab

Music industry guru Christopher Knab talks about an overlooked area of importance, CD packaging.

August-September 2002
Miguel Mega

How to personalize and colorize our old friend - the blues.


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