Guest Columnists

Displaying 853 - 864 of 1236
October-November 2009
Jean-Pierre Zammit

The alternate picking of arpeggios can be a very tough technique to master - here`s a unique way to approach the problem.

October-November 2009
David Martone

Canadian guitarist David Martone demonstrates his unique approach to two of his favorite techniques: tapping and hybrid picking.

December-January 2009
David Martone

Canadian guitarist David Martone uncovers video tips and techniques as he describes recording gear demos.

December-January 2009
Tom Hess Opus 2

It`s not what you play, it`s how you play it. Read this column for more as it applies to your solos.

December-January 2009
Mike O'Malley

How to get a better handle on the fretboard by concentrating on one string at a time.

December-January 2009
Christopher Knab

Music industry guru Christopher Knab bemoans the lack of interesting and innovative music.

December-January 2009
Scott Allen

Taking you behind the making of Scott`s upcoming album "From The Blindside".

December-January 2009
Draven Grey

How do you want your band remembered? Great ideas from Draven Grey.

December-January 2009
Mike Campese: The Fire Within

Mike Campese takes you through another section of this excellent Niccolo Paganini piece.

December-January 2009
Nick Layton

Five steps to better phrasing and cooler guitar solos.

December-January 2009
Tommaso Zillio

Getting the most from a single sequence, with Tommaso Zillio.

December-January 2009

No matter your level, these five tips will greatly improve your compositional ability.


Spotlight on Interviews