Guest Columnists

Displaying 277 - 288 of 1236
February-March 2001
Will Landrum

We all need to play fast at times, right? Let Will Landrum teach you the best way to increase your `MPH`.

February-March 2001
Garrett Smith

Guitarist Garrett Smith serves up a classical prelude for two electic guitars.

February-March 2001
Neil Haverstick

Neil Haverstick completes his fantastic series on the myriad ways to make a good living playing the guitar.

February-March 2001
Jamie Andreas

Virtuoso classical guitarist and instructor Jamie Andreas gives you insight into the challenges of improving as a player.

February-March 2001
Tim Sweeney

Everybody does this - but should you? Indie marketing guru Tim Sweeney plays devil`s advocate on this important point.

April-May 2001
Christopher Knab

Music industry guru Christopher Knab is back to help you deal with the most striking and effective part of your promotional package.

April-May 2001
Martin Behr

Germany`s Martin Behr has made a career out of versatility and he`s willing to share his secrets with you.

April-May 2001
Bill Peck

Bill Peck did it, why can`t you? Well, you can.

April-May 2001
Gianluca Piersanti

Guitarist Gianluca Piersanti preaches a serious focus on phrasing.

April-May 2001
Scott Hughes

Break out of those ol` common scales with Mr. Hughes.

April-May 2001
Mike Campese: The Fire Within

How to add a really cool twist to your playing.

April-May 2001
David Martone

Canadian guitarist David Martone has first-hand advice on tone, tone and more tone.


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