Guest Columnists

Displaying 781 - 792 of 1236
December-January 2008
Tim Sweeney

Indie marketing guru Tim Sweeney talks about the relationships between elections, politics, and your music career.

December-January 2008
Chris Dunnett

Dunnett offers some insight into his rendition of "Paint It Black", the Rolling Stones classic.

December-January 2008
Guy Pople

The lighter/darker side of the enigmatic diminished tritone, and its infamous interval, the b5th.

December-January 2008
Nick Layton

Digging a bit deeper into phrasing in a quest for greater self-expression.

December-January 2008
Kevin Ferguson

Kevin Ferguson offers guiding principles used to transcribe and arrange Vivaldi (and other Baroque) violin concertos to electric guitars.

December-January 2008

The often misunderstood and underappreciated interval - the minor second.

December-January 2008
Robin Hulbert

8 finger tapping opens up a world of new musical ideas, giving you the ability to play things that would normally be considered impossible.

December-January 2008
Mike O'Malley

Technique is very important, but worthless if you don`t know how to make your guitar groove.

February-March 2009
David Martone

Canadian guitarist David Martone takes you to the National Association of Music Merchants biggest annual event.

February-March 2009
Mike Campese: The Fire Within

Learning ways to substitute notes using octaves with your instructor, Mike Campese.

February-March 2009
Andre Tonelli

Andre Tonelli is here to guide you through limitations that can actually serve a useful purpose for guitar players.

February-March 2009
Michael Knight

Will you be able to continue making music in the future or will this be the end of the road?


Spotlight on Interviews