Guest Columnists

Displaying 937 - 948 of 1236
December-January 2010
Brian Hunsaker

Here are nine songwriting tips you can use right away, regardless of your current level of technique.

December-January 2010
Joe Pinnavaia

Joe continues onward in the series of practicing techniques that require no physical practice.

December-January 2010
Juan Coronado

Juan Coronado shows how playing circles with the pick can help you play scales faster by economizing the movement.

February-March 2011
David Martone

Canadian guitarist David Martone is back from the snowy Canadian Satriani support tour - with pictures.

February-March 2011
Mike Campese: The Fire Within

Just when you thought all arpeggio topics had been covered, Mike`s back with triad arpeggio practice ideas.

February-March 2011
Dan Lambert

Getting back to the studio after years away, and recapturing the fun and the magic.

February-March 2011
Tom Hess Opus 2

Do you want to improve your guitar technique, play guitar cleaner, eliminate sloppy playing and unwanted string noise?

February-March 2011
Guy Pople

Guy`s first column in a series for experienced guitarists with very little formal knowledge.

February-March 2011
Christopher Knab

Music industry guru Christopher Knab intensifies his crusade to help musicians with the business of music.

February-March 2011
Scott Allen

Scott Allen continues his tour of arpeggio-land with beautiful ninth chord arpeggios.

February-March 2011
Mike O'Malley

Internalize what you are learning and use it to develop your own style.

April-May 2011
Mike Campese: The Fire Within

Mike is focusing on the Japanese Hirajoshi scale in this lesson on exotic scales.


Spotlight on Interviews