When you are confident on stage to the degree you are confident playing at home alone then any fear will not hinder your focus and performance.
When you are confident on stage to the degree you are confident playing at home alone then any fear will not hinder your focus and performance.
Most guitar players have a tendency to use a single (often limiting) approach to songwriting that holds them back from achieving the results they want.
Paul Kleff offers a simple, orderly way to analyze songs and reduce them into small, easily-practiced parts that can be mastered individually and then assembled into the complete song.
The reality is, you don`t have to settle for limited financial gains in your guitar teaching business.
Mike is back with the second part of a Bach excerpt arranged for guitar.
The CAGED system as is commonly taught has a number of problems that prevent you to reach your full potential.
UK-based guitarist Sam Dawson will help to eliminate beginning fears and get you playing some picking patterns in no time.
Two notes together can move in more ways than up and down together.
Guitar exercises, in and of themselves, do not guarantee (or produce) massive progress in your musical skills.
Unity and variety in songwriting are essential to keeping a song balanced and maintaining interest throughout the entire piece of music.
Mike Campese is back with excerpts from his latest CD, "Chameleon".
Many guitarists play truly inspiring guitar phrases without playing in a very technical manner, and you can do this to when you follow the steps in this article.