To continue recording music of all types and styles, and to continue building the studio into a world class music production facility , but still keep the fees low enough for the average band to be able to make a great CD.
I currently have no studio instruments availible for use. You are probably more comfortable playing your own instrument anyhow. But I will add instruments as i can just like the ather big studios.
I am currently using digital effects via the computer to shape your music to your creative ideas.
I have a growing array of mic's from Sure, Akg, Audio technica, Electro-voice, Octava,and Sennheiser,
I am using cubase console for recording , and an 16ch. Soundcraft mixer for headphone mixes.
I have a pair of Event tr8 refference monitors, and a behringer head phone amp ,and akg headphones
Using a comp i built with an athalon2200+ 2/80gig HD and 1gig ram