April-May 2012

Vol. 16, No. 6: April-May 2012
Music Business Topics, Guitar Technique, And More
Seven Guest Columnists Contributing To April-May Issue

Welcome to the April edition of Guitar Nine's on-line magazine. Seven guest columnists have submitted excellent articles on a range of musical topics of interest to independent musicians. Six columnists are returning and we're welcoming one new writer to the team. Of special note, over 180 musicians have written guest columns since 1997. A new music release by Twinpicks (with Wolfgang Zenk) is also featured. You may currently listen to and order 250 instrumental releases by 156 different artists.

Dan McAvinchey
Guitar Haus

The odds of doing anything significant in the music business are long from the start, but artists who can't think beyond the short term have it thousands of times harder.

Guitar Nine Newsroom
Guitar Nine Newsroom

Guitar Nine Records April-May 2012 newsletter.

Mike Campese
Mike Campese: The Fire Within

Building on the last column, Mike adds more examples here, building on his previous sweeping columns.

Tommaso Zillio
Tommaso Zillio

Is it really necessary to know how to read music? Let`s open this can of worms.

Michael Knight
Michael Knight

Michael Knight returns with the first installment of his Exotic Scales series.

Rick Mariner
Rick Mariner

Here`s what a designer can tell you that will help you set your band and your music apart.

Neal Nagaoka
Neal Nagaoka

Ten of the very best guitar kids from the past two months in a video format. You can submit your most terrifying videos.

Tom Hess
Tom Hess Opus 2

A great article from Tom Hess focuses on helping students solve their musical problems.

Christopher Knab
Christopher Knab

Music industry guru Christopher Knab has a heads up - streaming music is the future.

Guglielmo Malusardi
Guglielmo Malusardi

You need to roll up your sleeves. Play well, have a great sound and offer a proper show - not just a demonstration of your skills and abilities.

Guitar Nine
Guitar Nine

Superb Italian Instrumental Rock

Guitar Nine
Guitar Nine

Argentinian Metalizes Paganini

Guitar Nine
Guitar Nine

Acoustic Bluegrass From Barcelona, Spain

Spotlight on Interviews