April-May 2016

Vol. 20, No. 6: April-May 2016
Improve Your Practicing And Soloing, Learn Theory And More
Online Magazine Has Six Fresh Columns For April

Welcome to the April edition of Guitar Nine's on-line magazine. Regular contributors such as Tom Hess, Mike Campese, Simon Candy and Tommaso Zillio are back with some excellent technique columns, and a new interview with guitarist Dana Gaynor is also featured. Shred licks, acoustic guitar phrasing and music theory training are just three of the subjects found in this issue, giving guitarists more ideas for growth and improvement. In total, six new featured articles have been submitted on a range of musical topics of interest to practicing musicians. Of note, we've published over 200 artist interviews, while nearly 210 musicians and industry experts have written over 1000 guest columns for this site since 1996.

Dan McAvinchey
Guitar Haus

Completely subjective, straightforward tips in the areas of promotion, publicity and your career.

Guitar Nine Newsroom
Guitar Nine Newsroom

Guitar Nine's April-May 2016 newsletter.

Simon Candy
Simon Candy

Three cool ways to approach the rhythm of a 12 bar blues - take to your next jam and blow everyone away.

Simon Candy
Simon Candy

How studying other instruments will make you a better, more creative, and superior acoustic guitar player.

Mike Campese
Mike Campese: The Fire Within

Just by flatting the third you can develop a whole new shredding sound.

Tom Hess
Tom Hess Opus 2

Tom Hess will help you make your guitar solos overflow with emotion,

Tom Hess
Tom Hess Opus 2

Tired of spending so much time practicing without ever seeing big results? Check out this article from Tom Hess.

Christopher Knab
Christopher Knab

Music industry guru Christopher Knab offers concrete information on booking contracts with venues.

Tommaso Zillio
Tommaso Zillio

It isn`t difficult to learn to study theory the correct way. It can actually be easier and more fun than you expect.

Dan McAvinchey
Guitar Haus

I run a small production company and we are learning the ropes as we go. Someone once said you`re either learning or dying. I prefer to learn.

Spotlight on Interviews