Tom Hess identifies the five keys required for becoming a truly great guitar player.
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Tom Hess identifies the five keys required for becoming a truly great guitar player.
Musicians who build and sustain successful music careers utilize an entirely different set of skills, thought processes and values.
Two Reasons Why You Have A Hard Time Expressing Maximum Emotion In Your Guitar Playing
My vision and formal concept of an album is always a full length CD. And I´m surprised at how many people actually order my physical CD album. Actually I´m selling quite a few more CDs than downloads.
I didn`t want that DIY vibe for the artwork, or the sound/production. I wanted a quality product that will stand the test of time, and that meant really deciding what I could do myself, and what would be better left to a dedicated professional.
There was no goal or idea to create an album initially. The music on the album was gathered from many musical ideas that I had had over the last two years or so and were composed in many different places.
Guitar Music At Its Best
Yes, But Can He Play Fast?
New Dutch Prog Metal Rising
Mindstorming Brothers In Arms
Guitar Nine's February-March 2015 newsletter.
I strive to be the best I can, and I do that by incorporating everything I know into my music and I never stop learning.
Before you will become a highly successful professional musician, you need to get rid of several false beliefs that will cause you to fail in your music career.
Mike Campese puts both hands on the fretboard to deliver more triad arpeggios.
Without a strong sense of melody and phrasing your music will never have that magical sense of wonder.
Stay alive. Stay sane. Stay healthy. There are methods to achieving compositional greatness that do not involved personal pain.
UK guitarist Sam Russell shares his personal methods on finding the inspiration to be creative musically and lyrically.
Awesome tools, tricks and techniques that you can use again and again to create your own killer sounding, unplugged acoustic guitar song.
If your guitar heroes use a lot of "wrong" notes and make them sound "right" (and you can`t), here`s how to do it.
Reynaert takes you on a journey through the possibilities of blues rhythm guitar playing.
Maximizing your on-stage guitar tone so that you can make every gig an enjoyable experience.
A guided tour of the 2015 album by the Scott Allen Project.
Build incredible amounts of musical tension by combining sweep picking technique with creative guitar phrasing ideas.
You must master the ability to play with both speed and creativity in order to make your licks stand out.
Comparing the opposing mindsets of successful and unsuccessful musicians.
Aggressive Slide Guitar
Where Moscow Meets Texas Blues
30 Years Of Amazing Playing
Aaaahhhhhhhhhh! Metal Mayhem!
Guitar Nine's April-May 2015 newsletter.
Mike Campese covers the flat keys moving around the circle of fourths.
Learn the differences between guitar teaching business `myths` and `reality`.
Without a strong sense of melody and phrasing your music will never have that magical sense of wonder.
In order to be a great guitar player you must develop mastery over the fretboard.
Do you feel like you are at a dead end with your guitar playing? Here are three additional killer ways that will totally change the way you play your acoustic guitar from now on,
If you are wondering how modern metal players use all these "wrong" notes and still sound great - here`s how.
I have been getting great feedback and a huge growth on social media, though. To me this proves quality is still the most important thing and can go a long way on its own.
I use a lot of variety. I swap between acoustic and electric, alternate tunings, slide, and various techniques. This CD features dobro, eBow, talkbox, even a cigar box guitar!
I decided to release these EPs of 5 songs every 6-8 months - it`s a big enough body of work to allow the listener to get involved in, and it keeps the people interested in my music always engaged in new songs.
The majority of guitar players unconsciously ruin their potential for improvement by learning `too fast` in some areas of their playing and `too slow` in other areas.
Look deeper, and find the overlooked value that makes John Petrucci a much greater guitarist than other players.
Tom Hess takes you through the exact steps needed for cleaning up unwanted string noise in your blues guitar licks.