You don`t have to be a shredding, virtuoso guitar player to learn proper phrasing, and your solos will stand out from the pack.
You don`t have to be a shredding, virtuoso guitar player to learn proper phrasing, and your solos will stand out from the pack.
Think about it--how to use your head to help your hands.
Understand how your body functions when you`re playing guitar, and you can get out more of your practice routines.
Swedish guitarist Sebastian Kalamajski recommends you think before you noodle.
Swedish guitarist Sebastian Kalamajski will help you strengthen the mind/fingers connection.
Swedish guitarist Sebastian Kalamajski takes his memorization ideas to the next level.
Sebastian Kalamajski, a guitarist from Sweden, began his music studies when he was seven years old by learning how to play piano.
Sebastian is currently studying for M.D. as a biomedical scientist. His new, large (370 pages) digital book is just being published on his web site.