Guest Columnists

Displaying 217 - 228 of 1236
October-November 1999
Gilbert Isbin

The guitarist on "Twins" offers the first installment on going beyond the flat pick.

October-November 1999
Will Landrum

G9er Will Landrum is here to help when you seem to be fresh out of ideas.

December-January 1999
Christopher Knab

Think you know your audience? Christopher Knab is here to make sure you take a closer look.

December-January 1999
Tonya Rae

One of our most requested column topics is being addressed by Tonya Rae, who has sent out more than a press kit or two.

December-January 1999
Joe Bochar

Not just "Orange" barcodes, but real, honest-to-goodness UPCs. Take it from Joe.

December-January 1999
Will Landrum

G9er Will Landrum is back to teach you the magic of turning a scale into real music.

December-January 1999
Greigg Fraser

Learn to walk a tightrope on someone else`s web site--Greigg is here to talk guitar pickups.

December-January 1999
Sebastian Kalamajski

Think about it--how to use your head to help your hands.

December-January 1999
Gilbert Isbin

The guitarist on "Twins" offers the second installment on going beyond the flat pick.

February-March 2000
Christopher Knab

Music industry guru Christopher Knab is back to help you professionally develop your music for the marketplace.

February-March 2000
Sebastian Kalamajski

Understand how your body functions when you`re playing guitar, and you can get out more of your practice routines.

February-March 2000
Will Landrum

Will Landrum is back with an exercise will single handedly improve multiple areas of your playing and thinking.


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